Monday, May 18, 2009

How to ensure that you get the correct chinese quotation from Uncle

As the renovation progressed past the mid-point, I reflected and thought of how best we can work with Uncle to minimise the need for us to chase for his final quotation and to be assured that the intial price that he quoted is indeed the final price. I came out with the following general guideline (which I hope would be useful for future prospective customers of Uncle) -

  1. Before calling Uncle for quotation, it would be helpful if you have already called for quotations from other IDs / Contractors. Based on their quotations that they provided, you will know what are the items they quote and what are the items you need. Record the items that you need, revise it until you're quite firm with the final list of items that you want for your renovation. [This list would be used to compare against the Chinese Quotation that Uncle gives you to ensure that both of them are consistent]
  2. Stand-by a camera or a portable photocopier (if you have one) to take the photo of the Chinese Quotation that Uncle prepares on the spot. [This is to let you have the list of items quoted in the event that Uncle never give you a final formal quotation before the commencement of works]
  3. Prepare 2 or more copies of floor plan to give Uncle and/or Jason if both of them appear. This floor plan would be used when they write your requirements, date of commencement, contact number, tiles, approximate sketch of the desired reno layout, etc.
  4. After successfully contacting Uncle and he appears to view your place to take measurements and understand the items that you require, walk through the items based on your list obtained in #1 as you show him the various area that you intend to renovate. [Try to be systematic so that Uncle's train of thought can be consistent]
  5. Prepare a few sheets of fullscap paper for Uncle. You will know the reason later ...
  6. Uncle will quote on the spot, in Chinese, in his large record book. He will come up with a final pricing based on his Chinese Quotation. At this point, you have to negotiate with Uncle for the final pricing as if you're going to confirm him for your contractor. If you're comfortable with the price that he quote, ask Uncle's permission to review his Chinese quotation. Quickly agree the items with your list obtained in #1 above. Resolve any discrepancies on the spot ! Ask Uncle to revise it such that the list of items in his book corresponds to the items that you require. Once done and the final pricing is firm, ask Uncle if it's ok for you to take a photo of the quotation. Also ask Uncle to transfer the Chinese quotation onto the fullscap paper in #5. [This is the crucial point because once you have the photo and Chinese quotation on the fullscap, you actually don't need the english quotation unless you need to take a loan. The quotation will be final and you will not need to chase him for the final Chinese quotation.]
  7. In the event that Uncle has no time, you have to be firm and at least take a photo of your final Chinese quotation in his book. That way, you will be assured that the price won't change as Uncle may not remember the fine details of what had been previously negotiated and agreed upon.

I hope that these pointers would be useful for prospective customers of Uncle Ah Soon.

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